Thursday, April 23, 2020

Easy Chocolate Covered Pretzels

Who doesn't like chocolate covered pretzels? Monsters, that's who. Salty, sweet, crunchy, and delicious. Today I'm going to show you an easy way to make them at home with ingredients I'm sure you have sitting around your kitchen today. I made mine with dark chocolate, but you can easily adapt for milk if that's your preference.

Start off with pretzels of your choice. I prefer mini twists because they're easier to eat by the handful. You can use large twists or rods. I'd stay away from the honey mustard and onion bites.

Next, run them through your enrober filled with tempered dark chocolate. As I said above, if you'd prefer milk chocolate, just drain the enrober and fill with tempered milk chocolate. Simple!

Let them ride through the cooling tunnel, making sure to keep the temperature between 62 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. This will make sure the chocolate sets beautifully and gives you a nice snap and a shiny surface.

Done! I told you it was easy! There's no reason you can't be eating chocolate covered pretzels right now if you're so inclined. 

  • Make sure your chocolate is tempered, otherwise you won't get that good shiny surface and snap. I recommend running a test pretzel before committing to a whole batch.
  • As you're putting pretzels on, make sure there are no gaps in that curtain of chocolate, otherwise you'll end up with half covered pretzels and nobody likes that.
  • Temperature control is key! Too hot or too cold and you'll throw the chocolate out of temper. Make sure you have two good thermometers, one for the enrober and one for the cooling tunnel.
  • The enrober I have takes 15 minutes from the moment something enters until it comes out the cooling tunnel. Yours may differ, so do some tests and set a timer so your pretzels don't end up on the floor while you're still putting them on, completely unaware.

If all this is still too much work for you (lazy!) I won't judge if you just buy some from your favorite local candy store.

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